Are you the legal representative of your organisation?

If you are the legal representative of your organisation, you can simply log in with eID or ItsMe to register your organisation.

This is the default process and requires no further role assignment.

Register your organisation

If you are not the legal representative of your organisation

It is important to ensure that the person registering an organisation actually represents it.

Safeonweb@work is an online service available to representatives of companies and organisations in Belgium and their delegates. In order to register on Safeonweb@work, your company or organisation must be registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. 

If you are not the legal representative of your organisation, you can ask your legal representative to delegate you permission to register your organisation. To do so, your legal representative must assign you the necessary dedicated role 'CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK EDIT' on the My eGov Role Management platform for managing access to government online platforms. You can use our step-by-step guide below to follow the procedure together.

You can find who are the legal representatives of your organisation in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises.

Legal representatives of organisations registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises do not have to receive roles and can simply log in with eID/ItsMe to Safeonweb@work.


See our step-by-step guide below on how your legal representative can delegate access to you

  • Go to the My eGov Role Management website: 
  • Click on the Log in button
  • Authenticate yourself with your identity card
  • Click on the Create a Role assignment via National Number button in the orange menu Manage role assignments on the left.

If the 'Create a Role assignment via National Number' menu or the role 'CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK EDIT' are not available, this means that you are not the access manager for your organisation.

If this is not already the case, you must be designated as the Chief Access Manager for your organisation. This Chief Access Manager must be an employee or a legal representative of the organisation who is primarily responsible for access management in your organisation.
The procedure for appointing a Chief Access Manager is available on CSAM:

If in doubt, please contact the legal representative or one of the access managers (head of department or system administrator, etc.) in your organisation and ask them to assign you the 'CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK EDIT' role on the My eGov Role Management platform with the help of this guide.

  • Type the National register number of the person, including yourself, to whom you wish to assign the CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK role.
  • Click on Search.
  • In the prompt screen that appears, control that the surname and first name of the person you are looking for are correct.
  • Click on Add.
  • Repeat the previous step if you wish to assign the CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK role to another person.
  • Click Next step.
  • Select your organisation
  • Then click Next step
  • Search for the CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK EDIT role
  • Click on '>' to select the role
  • Then click Next Step
  • Select the period for which this role remains valid
  • Then click Next Step
  • Type the email address of the person to whom you wish to assign the CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK role.
  • Then click Next step.
  • Review your request before clicking on Complete direct role assignment

Always check that you have been assigned the CCB SAFEONWEBATWORK EDIT role for your organisation.

  • To do this, click on My role assignments in the horizontal menu
  • Check that the status is Active

If the status of the role is not active, a confirmation email asking you to validate the allocation of this role has been sent to you. A confirmation email may be required depending on the status of your organisation and whether you are assigning a role to yourself or to one of your colleagues.


You can now log in to Safeonweb@work

We advise you to refresh the page so that the new information is taken into account.