NIS2, Are you on scope?
Belgium's new cybersecurity law will soon enter into force. Check it out now.
You have no doubt that cybersecurity is important for your organisation but the investment in resources and skills is daunting? Don't hesitate! Various subsidy mechanisms exist in Belgium to support you in the implementation of your protection measures.
This page gathers information on the subsidies made available to companies and organisations in Belgium by the various public authorities at national and regional level.
You will find below a first series of useful information (for whom, for what, with what benefit) and we invite you to consult the websites of the different reference providers to find all the necessary information and to submit your application for subsidies.
Would you be interested in initiatives in Belgium gathering advices, awareness and training tools and resources to support your organization in the implementation of its cyber security measures : Consult our dedicated page Cybersecurity in Belgium.
Industrial, commercial or agricultural enterprises (operated by a natural person or by a company) and self-employed persons are eligible for the investment allowance.
The investments must be depreciable assets :
They cannot be investments that are expressly excluded by the law.
The amount of the deduction is determined by the percentage of the investment.
Find all useful information on the website of the Federal Public Service FINANCE.
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that have a place of business in the Brussels-Capital Region, that are active in certain sectors of activity, and whose project corresponds to the conditions of the services.
Among the 12 areas to be covered by the consultancy assignment : digitalisation, IT security (except for missions related to the development of a website or an e-commerce platform)
Rate of the bonus :
Maximum Consultancy Grant : €10,000 per calendar year.
Minimum intervention per application/mission : € 500.
Maximum number of grants : 5 missions subsidized per calendar year.
Find all useful information on the website of the Brussels Regional Public Service BRUSSELS ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT.
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that have a place of business in the Brussels-Capital Region, that are active in certain sectors of activity, and whose project corresponds to the conditions of the services.
The consultancy assignment must in particular :
Concern :
Last for less than 6 months.
Rate of the bonus :
Maximum Consultancy Grant : €5,000 per calendar year.
Minimum intervention per application/mission : € 500.
Maximum number of grants : 1 mission subsidized per calendar year.
Find all useful information on the website of the Brussels Regional Public Service BRUSSELS ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT.
Companies that meet the following conditions:
You may be eligible for a grant to cover part of the costs of training for any member of staff in your company, with the exception of temporary workers and students.
This training must :
Excluded are :
The trainer must :
Premium rate on tuition fees and fees for written learning materials :
Maximum rate of the premium, all state aids combined, for the same expenses :
Maximum intervention of the training premium:
Minimum intervention per training course/application : € 500.
Maximum number of grants : 5 training courses subsidised per calendar year.
Find all useful information on the website of the Brussels Regional Public Service BRUSSELS ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT.
Each package is aimed at SMEs and social enterprises that want to take steps towards better cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity improvement projects subsidise the purchase of external advice and guidance from service providers recognised by VLAIO.
The VLAIO subsidy covers 50% of the cost of the project.
Find all useful information on the website of the Flemish Government Agency for Innovation & Enterprise VLAIO.
Flemish SMEs or practitioners of liberal professions.
For purchasing services that improve the quality of your business. Specifically, training and consultancy services that help you with your company's cybersecurity plan.
For cybersecurity, small enterprises get a higher intervention of 45%. Medium-sized enterprises: 35%. Up to a maximum of €7,500 per year.
Find all useful information on the website of the Flemish Government Agency for Innovation & Enterprise VLAIO.
You can benefit from this voucher if :
You must use a certified service provider.
The "Digital Recovery - Diagnosis" voucher allows you to work with a consultant to establish an initial audit of your company's situation. The eligible costs are :
The Walloon Region finances the service up to 90% of the costs excluding VAT.
The rest of the costs and the VAT are to be paid by the company.
The cost of the services is subject to a daily ceiling set at 950 euros per day excluding VAT
Find all useful information on the website Chèques-Entreprise.
You can benefit from this cheque if :
You must use a certified service provider.
The "Digital Recovery - Diagnosis" voucher allows you to work with a consultant to establish an initial audit of your company's situation. The eligible costs are :
The Walloon Region finances the service up to 90% of the costs excluding VAT.
The rest of the costs and the VAT are to be paid by the company.
Public intervention is subject to a daily ceiling set at 950 euros per day of service and allows for a maximum of 6 days of service.
The project may cover a maximum of 2 of the 3 areas of intervention, namely:
Find all useful information on the website Chèques-Entreprise.
You can benefit from this voucher if :
You must use a certified service provider.
The "cybersecurity cheque" help you define and support the implementation of a cybersecurity policy in your company through costs relating to:
Wallonia finances the service up to 75% of the costs excluding VAT.
The rest of the costs and the VAT are to be paid by the company.
Find all useful information on the website Chèques-Entreprise.
You can benefit from this cheque if :
You must use a certified service provider.
The "digital maturity voucher" includes all services relating to :
The Walloon Region finances the service up to 75% of the costs excluding VAT.
The rest of the costs and the VAT are to be paid by the company.
Find all useful information on the website Chèques-Entreprise.
have a declared and up-to-date address in the Crossroads Bank of Enterprises.
The following are excluded: people on a Training-Integration Plan (PFI - during a training period), students, apprentices and trainees in companies.
Note that the SME must have a maximum of 250 employees
The training cheque allows companies to benefit from financial aid to train their workers in one of the approved training centers.
Wallonia covers part of the costs of general training for workers.
The training courses taken take place during the normal working day. One day of training is worth a maximum of 7 hours per worker, with the exception of immersion language training, for which a maximum of 10 hours of training can be counted per worker.
One cheque can be used to finance one hour of training per worker with a training operator approved by the Walloon Region.
A cheque has a face value of 30 euros and finances one hour of training. The employer pays 15 euros and the Walloon Region 15 euros.
The number of vouchers that the company can obtain per year varies according to its size (number of full-time equivalents according to the NSSO
Find all useful information on the website of the Public Service of Wallonia EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING.
Find also the list of EU Investment Programmes on the page of the National Coordination Centre. The new work programmes have been adopted by the European Commission for both Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe, but also the European Defence Fund. All of them include allocations for cyber security projects.